Otel Mustafa
Elevres Stone House Otel
Osiana Hotel
The name of the Union:
Article 1: The name of the Union '' Cappadocia Tourism Area Infrastructure Services Association '(PDP-PRU) d.
The center of the Union:
Article 2: The Union of the Centre Nevsehir, d.
The work area and duration of the Union:
Article 3: The Union's activities, Cappadocia Culture, Tourism Conservation and Development Area and is limited to Kozakli Thermal Tourism Center, the operating time is unlimited.
Union members / founders:
Article 4: Members: (Amended Article: 16/5 / 2014-07 s.mec.k)
Cappadocia Culture and Tourism Conservation and Development of Thermal Tourism Center and Kozakli Special Provincial Administration are within the boundaries of the municipality and village.
Nevşehir Provincial Administration
Avanos Municipality
Kozakli Municipality
Urgup Municipality
Chad Municipality
Goreme Municipality
Ortahisar Municipality
Sulusaray Municipality
Municipality Uchisar
Aktepe Village
Ayvali village
Mustafapaşa village
Ulaşlı village
Çavuşin Village
İbrahimpaşa village
Karacaören village
Karain village
Karlik Village
Hacıfakıl village
Kaşkışl village
Küçükyağl village
The aim of the Union and members of union delegated tasks and services:
Article 5: The objective of the Union, Cappadocia Culture, Tourism Conservation and Development Area and Nevşehir Kozaklı Thermal Tourism Center holistic approach protection, development, promotion and diversification of tourism, increasing the length of stay, improving the quality of tourism and the social, cultural and tourism, technical infrastructure implementation and to ensure the company.
to realize the unity of purpose:
a) the value of tourism resources, potential, use of resources, conservation, development, mobilization of potential resources issues among members of the Association enables the exchange of experience and cooperation,
b) Member organizations to tourism, local authorities, government, municipal, conservation, cultural, environmental, zoning and historic information about city issues, the document will provide resources such as legislation and advised by organizing oriented activities to training in the same subjects.
c) The members of the Union and conducts the appropriate studies to the objectives of the Union, these studies provide coordination among located in public procurement, investment organizes, encourages, checks,
d) Members of the analysis of the development of tourism infrastructure issues and give support to initiatives that parallel the objectives of the association, find resources and organize initiatives such as this, and they do,
e) goal line, establishes international relations due to the work area, make joint efforts; scientific and cultural events with national and international participants, found during periodical technical inspection trips to the environment or permanent broadcasting activities, member municipalities and organizes information programs to the public,
f) Legal possibilities built from member film to raise awareness for the purpose of unity of the urban population in the municipalities, multivision and other visuals, prepare documentary materials drawn up, radio, edit programs for television broadcasts,
g) members of the Union for the development of tourism infrastructure of the city, promotion, festivals, fairs and other activities makes the project work and the issues, and provides technical supervision they contribute to their applications.
h) establish an information network among members and develops,
i) for the development of tourism and Cappadocia Tourism supports the removal of appropriate laws. all kinds of diversity in the region to ensure that tourism research and development activities are also available,
j) Member cities encourage the establishment of domestic and international brotherhood and support,
k) purpose may establish a company that will operate the line and run.
l) the necessary research to develop the thermal tourism, development, located in the planned activities, business space opens and allows water to be used for thermal control of the company,
m) in accordance with the principles of sustainable development to ensure the protection of the environment and watersheds, reforestation is done, take measures to not give rise to environmental pollution. It makes the regional solid waste plan and book, builds facilities for this purpose, establish it, or let others is operating,
n) touch history with cultural and natural history of the city in terms of importance and provides for the protection of sites and natural beauty. For this purpose, simple repair, restoration, and makes restitution project applications,
o) all kinds of activities to address the common needs of the tourism sector and the initiative,
p) makes all kinds of activities for promotion of the region or made.
r) makes all kinds of activities for the provision of qualified personnel needed by the tourism industry or done.
s) of the region makes regional and conservation plans are built; It makes the tourism master plan,
t) determines the quality and service standards and controls, audit and appreciate the need to edit the document and the purpose of their accuracy has to be heard in other activities.
To this end, members of local government may transfer some of its functions and services to troops in the field.
Union members in relation to the local joint quality services envisaged to be transferred has the rights and powers of local governments.
The services to be transferred;
1. Planning and engineering
2-Plan of Implementation, control and audit
3-infrastructure investments (solid waste, waste water, sewage, electricity, communications, clean water, land development, sewage etc.).
4-R & D activities
5. Environment and health
6-promotion and advertising
7. Control
8-tourism area in the master plan and work on behalf of the municipalities in accordance with the needs of credit openning
The organs of the Union:
Article 6: The organs of the Union are as follows.
1. Union Assembly
2. Union Council
3- President of the Union
the establishment of the union council:
Article 7: The Union Assembly is the decision making body of the union. Provincial Governor for Administration, members of the village headman for mayors and members for municipalities is a natural member of the union. Union members of Parliament do not come naturally out of them. Assembly members are natural members, including the exact number.
Union Assembly as well as natural members of the Provincial Assembly, two by secret ballot to choose between its members, the member municipalities of their councilors from the secret ballot they will choose a person with from the Culture and Tourism Ministry of the tourism licensed accommodation establishments among themselves their representatives to be elected to the municipal council membership provided that they bear the terms, the Special Provincial Administration will be held under the supervision of elected council consists of a total of 41 people, including 10 people elect by secret ballot. Half of the number of permanent members are elected as deputy members.
backups are performed in case of a vacancy in the elected membership of the Union Assembly.
The term of office of the elected members of the Union Assembly, ends with the local government elections.
Special Provincial Administration, municipalities and villages with their duties in the administration who end accommodation facilities unity of the council of representatives ended tasks membership ends.
representation in parliament of the local government unit:
Article 8 Article 7 of the EU member local governments are represented in the union council in the manner specified
Article 9 of the duties and powers of the Union council are:
Union members of the Presidential Council of the Union Council to select the members of the Special Commission and Parliament members,
Investment plan, discuss the work program and to decide,
4. To determine the tariffs applicable to the services to be carried out by the Association, 5. subject of the lawsuit and the amount of two thousand New Turkish Liras from the receivables troops up to ten thousand New Turkish Liras to decide pais The settlement, made of 6 Union investment-operate or build-operate decide on the transfer model, 7. unity organization to decide on the units of the establishment, 8 to connect to the dispute resolutions between the Union President and the Union Council, 9. Union staff belonging to the staff of ihda the deciding modification and removal, 10. union with members of local authorities in duties and jurisdiction to determine the share of the participation of accommodations and contributions to non-members who benefit from services with other tourism facilities / fee to determine. 11. decide on borrowings, 12. purchase of immovable property, sales, rental and deciding on the exchange, 13 to monitor the use in accordance with the objectives of related benefits Charter and take the necessary decisions in this respect, regarding the duties specified in 14. The objectives of foreign, international decision on co-operation with public institutions and organizations, 15. Union of accepting the regulations to be issued, 16 to accept the Union's charter amendment 17 to decide the dissolution of the Union, 18. Ministry of Finance, Armed Forces, General Directorate of Foundations, Culture and Tourism Ministry, Special Provincial Administration, located in immovable property of municipalities and other public institutions, in accordance with the intended use, purchase, accept donations, renting, establishing the right to use. 19. Union owned, or allocated to unity landscaped areas, to operate in accordance with the intended use of the structure has been restored, price or free of charge to allocate to other public institutions and local authorities to rent or to other people. Council of presidents of:
Article 10: The Union Assembly, organization or local government units since the general election results announced by the Supreme Election Board shall be convened by the governor within 30 days. Parliament convened for the first two years to serve under the chairmanship of the oldest member, and secret ballot among the members of the union chairman, deputy chairman of the parliamentary 1 and 2 and select two clerks members. The first two years after members of the presidential council to be elected shall serve until the election of the first local governments to do.
Union unity Assembly president, parliament 1. In the absence of the deputy chairman, his vice president in the absence of case 2 presidential council meeting to discuss the annual report of eder.ancak, held under the chairmanship of deputy chairpersons.
In case a vacancy occurs in the Executive Board, a new member will be elected to complete the remaining term.
Council meeting and decision quorum:
Article 11: the finalization of the decision of the Union Parliament:
Union Assembly meets regularly at the center of the Union each year in May and November. In cases where it is necessary to gathering outside the usual meeting place, provided that the members of the pre-information, determine where in the scope of the President of the Union Assembly meeting is held. May meeting is the beginning of the meeting period. Assembly members will meet with the absolute majority of the total number of decisions are taken by majority of the participants. Decision quorum members of Parliament can not be less than a quarter of the total number. Parliament, the President or members of third or members may be called to an extraordinary meeting at the request of the local government councils. It fails to provide the required meeting quorum, the meeting is postponed for 3 days by the President. The second meeting will open with less than a quarter of its members and non-members are taken by a simple majority of those decisions. However, this rate can not be less than a quarter of the total number of councilors. In an extraordinary meeting, another job is not discussed outside matters requiring the call.
Article 12: The Union's decision will be sent to the union council chairman. Union president sends back the parliamentary decision contrary to the law. If you insist on parliamentary decision or the decision of the president sends to civilian administration in 5 days or does not do any operation during this period, the final decisions.
Decisions regarding changes to the Regulation is finalized with the approval of the Governor of Nevşehir and enter into force
the entry into force of the Union council decision:
Article 13: Final decisions of the council are sent to the provincial governor within seven days. not sent to the provincial governor decided not entered into force.
Specialized commissions:
Article 14: The Union Assembly meeting at the beginning of each period and the number of plans and establishes the budget committee selects the members of the commission not to exceed five. Union council of the union activity per term issues at meetings or other meetings may establish other specialized committees and the number of members of this committee can choose to exceed five.
Union formation of the council:
Article 15: The council of the Union, the Union President and parliament is composed of 5 members to be elected among its members for one year. Council members are elected to the same amount as a full member. From the Special Provincial Administration in the Council, the municipality is required to have at least one each of the members of Mukhtar and tourism representatives Certified Facility. Council meeting per term elections and secret ballot. persons whose term of office may be reelected.
Union is also chairman of the council's president. In case of the absence of the President to appoint the task manager or appointed head of union carried out by one of the council members.
Will be selected during the year for any reason, beginning of period unity council remain in office until the meeting. Union Assembly membership expires at the end of those troops alderman.
Council's functions and powers:
Article 16: The Union of the duties and powers of the committee are as follows:
a) express an opinion on the investment plan and the work program of the union council review the budget and final accounts,
b) take decisions in the public interest that requires the expropriation process,
c) To determine where the spending of unforeseen expenses allowance,
d) functional classification of the budget, make transfers between the second level,
e) provide for penalties prescribed in the law,
f) cases up to two thousand New Turkish Liras to decide on the settlement pais,
g) Real estate purchase, sale, lease and implement the council's decisions concerning the exchange,
Union council meeting and decision quorum:
Article 17: The Union council, at least once per month where members predetermined by the absolute majority of the total number, date and time collected and decisions are taken by a majority of respondents. the side of the head in case of equality shall have achieved the majority. The President may call an emergency meeting of the council.
Prepared by the chairman of the council agenda. The issues to be referred by the President will not be discussed. Members of the Council chairman may propose agenda items and the appropriate opinion.
The issues will be referred to the Council discussed and resolved within a month.
Union president:
Article 18: The Union councils, organizations or associations of local authorities to choose the union president for two years, along with other members of the presidential council at its first meeting following the announcement of election results. Select the end of two years in accordance with the procedures of other members of the presidential council as president of the association Article 10 of the constitution to hold office until the first general election.
The duties and powers of the president of the Union:
Article 19: The president of the Union is the representative of the head of administration and legal personality of the Union. The duties and powers of the president of the Union are:
a) managing the Union's unity and protect the rights and interests,
b) investment plan and work program to prepare the budget and final accounts, implement, monitor, evaluate and present the annual report will be related to the council,
c) To represent the Association or to appoint proxies,
d) Union council and chaired the association council,
e) to administer the movable and immovable property of the Union,
f) to monitor and collect revenues and receivables of the Union,
g) make a contract subject to the decisions of the competent organs,
h) Union council and union council to implement the decisions,
i) parliamentary Union and other unions to transfer appropriations outside the jurisdiction of the council,
j) To appoint the staff of the Union,
k) To supervise the Union
l) unconditionally accept donations,
m) the unity or oneness with the law and do not require union council duties and exercise the powers of the council decision,
The end of the presidency of the Union provisions regarding the termination for reasons other than the absence of the mayor office of the Municipal Act apply.
Article 20: The Union Organization, Associate Director, Editorial Department, Financial Services Unit consists of units with technical works. appointed civil servants working in public institutions and organizations in accordance with the principles and procedures union legislation Director or other senior executives.
Union staff:
Article 21: The director of the Union, the unit chiefs and other personnel appointed president of the association. However, the director of the association and inform the Parliament on the appointment of the unit chiefs.
Union staff with the relevant municipal staff Municipal Act, appointment of union staff, increase rights, assignments, staff, title, registration, fines, awards and other personnel actions in 657 Civil Servants Act and related regulations, the Council of Ministers designated Norm Staff Principles and Procedures to , on Public Duties assigned to the first Time Things to do for exams and the Regulation on Public Institutions Permanent Staff to be appointed as the first-Time Workers Regulations it is subject to the provisions of the exam.
The duties of the director of the Union:
Article 22: The Director of the Association of services on behalf of the Union president ensures his direction and carried out under the responsibility. President of the Union with a directive which specifies that transfer jobs to the Associate Director.
Revenues of the Union:
Article 23: The income of the Association are:
a) Union members, union participation to the establishment and operating expenses,
b) The Union shall be determined by the council will be charged according to a fee schedule for services,
c) The appropriations will be transferred from other public institutions,
d) movable and immovable property, rental, sales and revenues will be obtained by other means of evaluation,
e) Rental and interest income,
f) Donations
g) Other income.
The expenses of the Union:
Article 24: The expenses of the Union are:
a) The services of the Union will be held for the execution expenses,
b) paid to members of the Association's staff and elected officials salaries, wages, allowances, remuneration, allowances and other expenses related to services and education spending,
c) the provision of services will be monitored wages and other income and expenses to be made for the collection,
d) Union building services, facilities, procurement of tools and equipment, construction, maintenance and expenses for repairs,
e) interest, insurance costs and other fees associated with borrowing,
f) Litigation and enforcement costs,
g) Law, consulting and audit fees,
v) common services and other project expenses with public and private sector organizations
i) representation, ceremony and entertainment expenses,
The unity of the members (organizations) participation in operating expenses and fees of shares:
Article 25: (Amended Article: 16/5 / 2014-07 s.mec.k)
Special Provincial Administration and the Provincial Administration of the member municipalities from the previous year 's budget revenues 50,000.00 (fifty thousand) per se is to be taken as; District Municipality of Avanos Municipality, Urgup Municipality, Kozakli Municipality 20,000.00 (Twenty) TL s and Chad Municipality of the Town Municipality, Uchisar Municipality, Goreme Municipality, Ortahisar Municipality, Sulusaray Municipality 5,000.00 (Five Thousand) pay per se as dues to unions operating expenses. The duties and powers of which accommodate plants in the Union, members of local administrations, paid the dues third at least not to, pay the amount in membership fees to be determined by union considering the number of beds in accommodation facilities council. Members benefit from other non-tourism facilities and services who pays fees to be determined by the amount of contributions or union council. Operating Costs of contributions and union dues are determined by a 2/3 majority in parliament. Participation fees and dues are paid up to the end of July each year.
Union against members who fail to fulfill their financial obligations required amount of payment of the local authorities, on application of this administration to the general budget tax revenues unions collection denominator allocated over the total, creditors paid union cut by an enterprise engaged in the distribution of these shares.
monetary amounts provided for in the Statute, Rules No. 213 determined in accordance with tax laws and increased the rate of re-evaluation coefficient declared.
Article 26: The Union budget is a fiscal year and the following year revenue and expenditure estimates in two with a parliamentary resolution indicating the principles and procedures for their implementation.
As detailed budget expenditure program and financing programs are added. Year state budget is the same as the fiscal year. Budget expenditures made.
Union president and associate director of the authorized expenditure as authorized; efficient use of budget appropriations, is responsible for the frugal and spent the spot.
Union council accepts the unity of the budget year following consultation on the November regular meeting.
The budget is prepared according to the fourth level of economic classification and discussed in the parliament accepted by the masses in the second level up.
Finalization of the Union budget and the entry into force:
Article 27: The Union budget is finalized in accordance with the procedures of the union council bylaws as Article 12 and 13 of the other decisions and enter into force.
Top managers:
Article 28: The president of the Union troops is a top manager.
Spending authority:
Article 29: The president of the Association authorizing the union. The President may delegate this authority to the union director.
Study program:
Article 30: The Union parliament accepts the work program in consultation before the budget. Budgets must be prepared in accordance with the work program.
Union purchase, sale, procurement and accounting affairs:
Article 31: The Union Government Procurement Act 2886, the Public Procurement Act 4734, the Public Procurement Contracts Law of 4735 and 5018 are subject to the Public Financial Management and Control Law and the Law Court.
To keep the books of the Union:
Article 32: The Union Decision Book, Document Registry, etc. The books 'in the municipal budget accounting regulations' carrying amounts prescribed for unions.
Members benefit from the local authorities and citizens associations service procedures:
Article 33: Members and citizens benefit from the services union procedures and methods are determined by the Assembly.
responsibility of the Union's members:
Article 34: The Union and installation of all types of contracts on behalf of the Union is responsible for the legal entity. The assets of the limited liability in any way with the local authorities the legal entity and does not bind other members of the Union.
Making Regulations:
Article 35: The rules and procedures are regulated by a regulation on the implementation of this regulation. Regulations and guidelines are accepted by the union council's 12th and final according to Article 13 and the principles and procedures enter into force.
Charter Change (Finalization of the Regulation):
Article 36: The Union Charter change, Union Assembly member takes place with the approval of the decision and the Governor of Nevsehir two-thirds majority of the total number.
liquidation of the Union:
Article 37: The Union denounced the decision of the council members will receive the two-thirds majority of the total number.
The liquidation of the Union to determine the administrative authority is executed by three public officials. Liquidation proceedings are concluded within a maximum of 1 year. The assets of the Union, according to the union council and its members in accordance with decisions to be taken in the presence of union participation rate of unit cost, participation rates are distributed in proportion to their population is not clear if the local government units.
The first meeting of the parliament of the Union:.
Temporary Article 1: Assembly of the Union after the entry into force of this Regulation at the latest within a month in a place designated by the Governor of Nevşehir and called for a meeting day.
Article 38: The provisions of this Regulation shall enter into force after approval by the Governor of Nevsehir.
Article 39: This Charter shall be conducted by the association president.